::Book Review:: Baby Catcher by Peggy Vincent
I took a little break from birth-related reads last year to finish some other interesting titles, and boy did I miss it! I love midwife memoirs, so you know my review of Baby Catcher by Peggy Vincent is going to be a positive one.
Peggy started out as an OB nurse, then went on to be one of the first Certified Nurse Midwives with hospital privileges, eventually becoming a home birth practitioner for a period of time. Her story is so interesting and covers not just birth stories, but also a view of the personal and family life of a midwife, and the politics of maternity care.
She doesn't scrimp on the gritty details. My heart was racing as she described some crazy situations like giving birth in the car, and I cried at tales of loss. Each period of her life in the book comes with its own range of interesting birth stories, showing the incredible diversity among families who seek midwifery care.
This is an interesting book for anyone who enjoys birth stories, learning about the political and societal history of modern midwifery, and getting a look at birth through the eyes of someone who has witnessed it thousands of times. If you have read it, I'd love to know what you thought about it. If not, you can get a copy at the link below!
Source: New feed